A Comprehensive Sizing Guide for Cushy Puffer Onesie

Step 1: Primary Fit Check

Measure your dog's back length and chest circumference accurately.

Model Specifications

Cushy size: 2
Back length: 32cm
Chest circumference: 42cm

Cushy size: 4
Back length: 33cm
Chest circumference: 50cm

Cushy size: 4
Back length: 35cm
Chest circumference: 43cm

Cushy size: 8
Back length: 50cm
Chest circumference: 48cm

Step 2: Precision Sizing Insights

1. Approximate Match: Compare your dog's size to the Cushy Puffer specs. *Note: the chest circumference of our product is measured externally. Hence, if your dog's chest measurement is 8-3cm less than the Cushy Puffer's external measurement, it's typically an ideal fit. 2. Detailed Specs: Check the detailed product measurements to fine-tune your choice by comparing them with your dog's current clothing.

Sizing Assistant

If still unsure, use our sizing assistant—just submit your dog's measurements, and we'll guide you.